Opening Hours

  • Monday09am - 05pm
  • Tuesday09am - 05pm
  • Wednesday09am - 05pm
  • Thursday09am - 05pm
  • Friday09am - 05pm
  • Saturday-SundayClosed


Certificates and Diploma

The Certificate in Christian Leadership program is designed for pastors or Christian leaders who lack prior ministerial training or individuals seeking to have a general but good knowledge of ministry leadership in the church. It is basically informative and reasonably an entry level curriculum. Anyone desirous of more in-depth knowledge of ministry is advised to continue into the Diploma program or take any of the degree programs.

Courses to be completed for Certificate in Christian Leadership (CCL) .

  • Basic Counseling
  • Foundations of Christian Leadership
  • Christian Education & Discipleship
  • Stewardship
  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
  • Systematic Theology
  • The Early Church
  • Church and Society (Christian Worldview)
  • Introduction to Missions
This Diploma program is designed for students who intend to be ordained for ministry as pastors, Evangelists, or church planters. It is also meant for serving pastors who are desirous of being equipped with good knowledge of the doctrines and practices of the Christian faith as well as how to preach in ways that communicate God’s word clearly and truthfully.

To qualify for the award of the Diploma in Pastoral Ministry, the student must have completed the courses for the Certificate of Christian Leadership, in addition to five Courses outlined below.

Additional Courses for Diploma in Christian Leadership or Pastoral Ministry:

  • Church Sacraments & Ordinances
  • Preaching Practicum
  • Christian Ethics
  • Tent Making Course
  • African Church History
  • Pastoral Care

These courses are offered on-site by our qualified team of local Professors and visiting instructors through week long intensive Seminars during the year. It offers the students the opportunity to connect with the teachers at a deeper personal level and to ask practical questions related to their ministerial needs.

The Diploma in Missions program is designed for students who intend to be ordained for ministry as Church Planters or Missionaries. It is also meant for serving pastors who are desirous of being equipped with skills and knowledge for growing and multiplying their churches. In order to qualify for the award of the Diploma in Missions, the student must have completed the courses for the Certificate of Christian Leadership, in addition to seven Courses outlined below.

Additional Courses for Diploma in Missions and Evangelism:

  • Church Sacraments & Ordinances
  • Preaching Practicum
  • Christian Ethics
  • Tent Making Course
  • Pastoral Care
  • African Church History
  • Missions
  • Church planting

These courses are offered on-site by our qualified team of local Professors and visiting instructors through week long intensive Seminars during the year. It offers the students the opportunity to connect with the teachers at a deeper personal level and to ask practical questions related to their ministerial needs.

Our Undergraduate Programs



MINIMUM GPA: 2.00 or Higher


The Bachelor of Divinity programme is designed for students who wish to advance their knowledge of God (Theology), the Bible and Ministry so that they can pursue graduate study or serve in the diverse ministries of the church – pastors, Missionaries, church planters etc.. A Bachelor of Divinity degree holder can complete a Master of Divinity program in less than two years.


Develop a deep, broad and accurate knowledge of God’s word and be able to articulate the Christian message for all occasions. Develop a passion for ministry, preaching, evangelism, discipleship and community transformation. Gain an experiential understanding of ministry and worship practices

General Studies (36 Credits)

English as a Second Language -Grammar and Reading (3 Credits)

English as a second Language- Writing and Comprehension (3 Credits)

Introduction to Behavioral Sciences (3 credits)

Introduction to the Natural Sciences- Biology (3 credits)

Arithmetics (3 credits)

Introduction to Social Sciences (3 credits)

Introduction to Economics (3 credits)

Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)

Introduction to Anthropology (3 Credits)

Introduction to Psychology (3 Credits)

Philosophy for Understanding Theology (3 credits)

Research Methodology (3 Credits)

Biblical Studies (7 Credits)

Old Testament Survey (3 Credits)

New Testament Survey (3 Credits)

How to study the Bible (1)

Theological studies (14 Credits)

Theology I (4 Credits)

Theology II (4 Credits)

Biblical Interpretation (3 Credit)

Introduction to Christian Apologetics (3 Credits)

Leadership and Christian Discipleship (21 Credits)

Foundations for Christian Leadership (3 Credits)

Ministries of the Church (3 credits)

Introduction to Pastoral Care (3 Credits)

Church Leadership and Administration (3 Credits)

Discipleship and Teaching (3 Credits)

Introduction to Christian Ethics (3 Credits)

The Confessions (3 Credits).

Worship, Preaching and Missions (15 Credits)

Sermon Development and Organization I (3 Credits)

Preaching Praxis (3 Credits)

Introduction to Missions (3 Credits)

Introduction to Worship (3 Credits)

Evangelism- sharing your faith (3 Credits)

Church History and Humanities (14 Credits)

General Church History I (4 Credits)

General Church History II (4 credits)

African Church History (3 credits)

Introduction to World Religions (3 Credits)

Ministry Praxis/ Other Courses – (12 Credits)

Integrative Seminar -Capstone Course (1 credit)

Ministers’ Formation Groups (2 Credits)

Cross-Cultural Ministry Apprenticeship – (2 Credits)

Bible Knowledge Examination – (4 Credits)

Pastoral Ministry Internship – (2 Credits)

Tent Maker Workshop and Practice (1 Credits)

Electives (12 Credits)

Any number of courses in areas of interest totaling 12 Credits. OPTIONAL- Students considering to complete a Master of Divinity degree in 18 months are advised to take the underlisted courses in place of the electives.

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Hebrew I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew II (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Greek I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Greek II (3 Credits)



MINIMUM GPA: 2.00 or Higher


The Bachelor of Ministry programme is designed for students who wish to have general knowledge of Ministry and the Bible so that they can serve in diverse leadership ministries of the church – pastor, worship Leadership, Musician, Executive Pastor, NGO leadership, church planter etc.. A Bachelor of Divinity degree holder can complete a Master of Arts degree in Theological studies, biblical studies, Christian Education, NGO leadership and Christian Counselling in less than two years.


Develop a good knowledge of God’s word and be able to articulate the Christian message for all occasions. Develop a passion for ministry leadership, evangelism, discipleship and community transformation. Gain an experiential understanding of ministry practices.

General Studies (30 Credits)

English as a Second Language -Grammar and Reading (3 Credits)

English as a second Language- Writing and Comprehension (3 Credits)

Introduction to Behavioral Sciences (3 credits)

Introduction to the Natural Sciences- Biology (3 credits)

Arithmetics (3 credits)

Introduction to Social Sciences (3 credits)

Introduction to Economics (3 credits)

Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)

Introduction to Psychology (3 Credits)

Research Methodology (3 Credits)

Biblical Studies (7 Credits)

Old Testament Survey (3 Credits)

New Testament Survey (3 Credits)

How to study the Bible (1)

Theological studies (8 Credits)

Theology I (4 Credits)

Theology II (4 Credits)

Leadership and Christian Discipleship (36 Credits)

Foundations for Christian Leadership (3 Credits)

Ministries of the Church (3 credits)

Introduction to Pastoral Care (3 Credits)

Church Leadership and Administration (3 Credits)

Discipleship and Teaching (3 Credits)

Introduction to Christian Ethics (3 Credits)

The Confessions (3 Credits).

Contemporary Christian Issues (3 Credits)

Basics of Communications for Managers and Administrators (3 Credits)

How to develop a new church ministry and NGOs (3 Credits)

Basics of Finance and Accounting for Ministry (3 Credits)

Strategic Planning for Ministry (3 credits)

Worship, Preaching and Missions (9 Credits)

Introduction to Missions (3 Credits)

Introduction to Worship (3 Credits)

Evangelism- sharing your faith (3 Credits)

Church History and Humanities (8 Credits)

General Church History I (4 Credits)

General Church History II (4 credits)

Ministry Praxis/ Other Courses – (12 Credits)

Integrative Seminar -Capstone Course (1 credit)

Ministers’ Formation Groups (2 Credits)

Cross-Cultural Ministry Apprenticeship – (2 Credits)

Bible Knowledge Examination – (4 Credits)

Leadership Internship – (2 Credits)

Tent Maker Workshop and Practice (1 Credits)

Electives (12 Credits)

Any number of courses in areas of interest totaling 12 Credits. OPTIONAL- Students who want to complete a Master of Divinity degree earlier than three years are advised to take the underlisted courses in place of the electives.

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Hebrew I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew II (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Greek I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Greek II (3 Credits)



MINIMUM GPA: 2.00 or Higher


The Bachelor of Theology programme is designed to equip the learner with foundational knowledge and analytic skills to express the beauty and reasonableness of Christian doctrines with theological precision and wisdom. The BTh program will increase your knowledge of God, fire up your passion to serve Him in educational and pastoral ministries as well as equip you you to use scripture, history and tradition to engage the world. A Bachelor of Theology degree holder can complete a Master of Theology program in less than two years.


Students will develop the basic skills of observation, interpretation, and application in the study of the Bible. Students will be able to develop skills of critical thinking in their reading, researching, writing, and speaking of God, doctrines and the Christian life. Learners will understand and evaluate contemporary issues in relationship to Christian living within their cultural context. Students will be able to identify and describe the theories and practices that had shaped Christianity and the main contributors in church history.

General Studies (24 Credits)

English as a Second Language -Grammar and Reading (3 Credits)

English as a second Language- Writing and Comprehension (3 Credits)

Introduction to Behavioral Sciences (3 credits)

Arithmetics (3 credits)

Introduction to Anthropology (3 Credits)

Philosophy for Understanding Theology (3 credits)

Logic and Critical Thinking (3 Credits)

Research Methodology (3 Credits)

Biblical Studies (22 Credits)

Old Testament Survey (3 Credits)

New Testament Survey (3 Credits)

How to study the Bible (1)

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Hebrew I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew II (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Greek I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Greek II (3 Credits)

Biblical History and Geography (3 credits)

Theological studies (30 Credits)

Introduction to Theology (3 Credits)

Doctrine of God (Theology proper) (3 Credits)

Doctrine of Man -Anthropology (3 Credits)

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit – Pneumatology (3 credits)

Hermeneutics- biblical interpretation (3 Credit)

Introduction to Christian Apologetics (3 Credits)

New Testament Theology (3 Credits)

Old Testament Theology (3 credits)

Historical Theology (3 credits)

Issues in African Christian Theology (3 Credits)

Leadership and Christian Discipleship (6 Credits)

Ministries of the Church (3 credits)

Introduction to Christian Ethics (3 Credits)

Worship, Preaching and Missions (9 Credits)

Sermon Development and Organization I (3 Credits)

Preaching Praxis (3 Credits)

Church History and Humanities (14 Credits)

General Church History I (3 Credits)

General Church History II (3 Credits)

African Church History (3 credits)

Introduction to World Religions (3 Credits)

Ministry Praxis/ Other Courses – (8 Credits)

Integrative Seminar -Capstone Course (1 credit)

Ministers’ Formation Groups (2 Credits)

Bible Knowledge Examination – (4 Credits)

Tent Maker Workshop and Practice (1 Credits)

Electives (12 Credits)

Any number of courses in areas of interest totaling 12 Credits.

Our Graduate Programs



MINIMUM GPA: 2.00 or Higher


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) programme at LEMA is a professional degree for ministry. Whether you want to be a pastor, missionary, chaplain or church planter, the Master of Divinity programme at LEMA would prepare and equip you for these ministries.

The MDiv program is designed to be comprehensive and rich in content, combining a discipleship of the head, heart and hand so that you may be thoroughly equipped for diverse ministry opportunities. This is achieved through a curriculum that combines the foundational study of the bible, theology, Church history, and the ancient languages with culture relevant practical preparation and spiritual formation. The ultimate goal is for you to know Christ, develop a passion for the gospel and have essential hands-on ministry skills to serve God’s people and impact the world for Christ.


A degree in any discipline. However, MDiv students with no undergraduate level study of philosophy, logic and critical thinking may be required to take make-up courses in these areas ahead of matriculation to ensure graduation after three years of study.


The MDiv programme is designed to be completed in three years. Those with Bachelors of Theology or Bachelor of Divinity might be able to complete the MDiv programme at a shorter time.

Biblical Studies (27 Credits)

Survey of the Bible (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Hebrew I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Hebrew II (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical languages: Biblical Greek I (3 Credits)

Introduction to Biblical Languages: Biblical Greek II (3 Credits)

The Psalms and Wisdom Writings (3 Credits)

Old Testament Narratives (3 Credits)

New Testament Narratives (the Gospel and Acts) (3 Credits)

New Testament studies – Letters (3 Credits)

Theological studies (11 Credits)

Systematic Theology I (3 Credits)

Systematic Theology II (3 Credits)

Biblical Interpretation (2 Credit)

Apologetics (3 Credits)

Leadership and Christian Discipleship (18 Credits)

Foundations for Ministry Leadership (3 Credits)

Introduction to Pastoral Care (3 Credits)

Discipleship and Teaching (3 Credits)

Ethics and the Christian Worldview (3 Credits)

Counseling in Pastoral Ministry (3 Credits)

The Confessions for Christian Formation (3 Credits).

Worship, Preaching and Missions (14 Credits)

Theory and Methods in Biblical Preaching (2 Credits)

Preaching Practicum I (2 Credits)

Preaching Practicum II (2 Credits)

The Missional Ministry (2 Credits)

Communal Worship Practices and Leadership (3 Credits)

The Gospel in a Multi-Faith Culture (3 Credits)

Church History and Humanities (16 Credits)

The Church in History I (3 Credits)

The Church in History II (3 credits)

African Church History (3 credits)

Introduction to World Religions (3 Credits)

Nigerian (Ugandan) Church History (2 Credits)

Understanding Church Polity (1 Credits)

Ministry Praxis/ Other Courses – (27 Credits)

Integrative Seminar -Capstone Course (1 credit)

Ministers’ Formation Groups (4 Credits)

Cross-Cultural Ministry Apprenticeship – (2 Credits)

Pastoral Ministry Internship – (6 Credits)

Tent Maker Workshop and Practice (2 Credits)

Electives (12 Credits)

Any number of courses in areas of interest totaling 12 Credits

Vocational Formation.

Each student will be assigned to an Formation For Ministry (FFM) Advisor, a peer to peer FMM Mentoring Group and a supervising church so that they would gain the much needed encouragement and practical experiences for ministry excellence. Each FFM Group will be mentored by an FMM Advisor whose responsibility will be to walk alongside the student as the student develops his/her ministerial identity through discipleship. The FFM Advisor and student will meet regularly in order to keep track of the student’s spiritual and discipleship development.

Short-term and yearlong internships are included in relevant degree programmes to enable students develop broad and strong ministry skills.

Find the program of your choice? Contact Us to apply today.